Saturday, March 30, 2019

Amazing cool stupendous 100% Online Graphic Editor. You have to check this out.

Okay, since I've been trying to start a print on demand T-shirt and gift store I am doing a lot of digital manipulation. It's time consuming and difficult. That's why I am very exited that I found a website that does what I want, doesn't leave any kind of water mark, allows me to save the image, and does it all for free.

The only bad thing is it doesn't support PNG - the files have to be saved as JPG. So no transparent backgrounds on the completed saved image. Not a huge deal, just have to move them to my graphics editor and get rid of the background...

If your wondering, this is not an affiliate thing. I get nothing for telling you about this really cool website. I think it's neat and if you do anything with graphics and photos I'm sure you will also.


Check out some of what I just created for the 4th of July.

It has tons of amazing different effects to choose from at the touch of a button.
This Pizza eating dog looks really cool under the focus filter.

Check out what we can do to this little bird

Lomo Effect
Night Vision

In all the website has over 60 100% free photo editing effects and filters. One of the coolest websites I have seen in a very long time. Check it out!

One gain, that website is called


Check it out!